Monday, March 14, 2005


Her existent force took direction,
saddled and found modern bargales askance
singing distressed and swizzerling turbot bowler statistics
at the lens drawer,
shpawling sums and stiff inflatable sharks
upon the warehouse float top
all in one stippled floor,
seeping reliable sopability from wait there's edge
of concert hall efficiency
as the hoop la ladies sit twiddling a wat el sinfind a few tings out about me marn
o my dob bab aloha,
blowjogging ashtray cockle born prawnsspunce
the last door clothing sale n' surf closedown
after party shootout
befounded for fory five yeah yeahs
and six or more sweepings whipping life astray
to cheesy flavour
pistol patients escaping the only time you need
poking cheeks of umberella sidewalks
paradise of film stars with
pippa de doodle hey dooswinging from the branches like
oblivious blue titters from the audience
of none
frozen as a thought in space

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